Wednesday, June 29, 2022

June 29, 2022 | Conversation with Camille from the CXGF groups

 CAMILLE, 3:01 p.m.

Hey Sigyn



Hey, what's up?



How have you been? Are the meds helping?

I didn’t know you were having a rough time. Hope things are looking up.



Yes, actually! I forgot to take them for a while and then something happened that cleared up the bulk of my depression (which is usually situational) and then I got back into a routine and now I have tons of energy



I’m so glad you’re noticing a difference💗 I know depression to be a bitch. How awful. Glad you’re doing better :)

I had actually been thinking about you a couple of times and wanted to shoot you a msg but forgot your specific name change on fb so I wasn’t sure what to do 😂😂



Oh XD yeah I went back to using my real name on Facebook



It’s so cool, your parents did a good job haha



Actually, it's not my given name

But thank you XD



Oh, apologies!

Assumptions are too easily made 🙈

Hey the reason I wanted to msg you originally was to check in on you because I hadn’t seen you pop up on my feed for a lil while & also to send you sort of a bit of a thank you, if you will.

I believe you had posted something along the lines of thinking/knowing you have ASPD and it had gotten the ball rolling of me thinking about whether I should have “myself” checked out again. It’s a bit of a story, but I’ve spiralled again myself recently, which has led to mental health services to actually take it seriously at some point, and I’m pretty sure that without your posts, I wouldn’t have been at the level of self-awareness I’m at now. So, thank you.

(They are not looking at me as BPD anymore but treating me as NPD/AsPD lmao it’s wild)



so I had some drama with a friend and just left this account for a little while. I was still on some of my roleplay accounts and I created a new hybrid account for both real life and roleplay stuff. I wasn't sure if I should add you on it but I added some people I knew in meatspace.

I have antisocial-like-behaviors and tendencies, but I do not fully qualify for ASPD. I am glad to have helped though! And sorry for your mental health problems :(

I don't know you well, but I haven't really seen you exhibit anything characteristic of NPD/ASPD? Granted, I'm not a professional, but abnormal psychology is one of my special interests

/END 3:27 PM

Saturday, March 26, 2022

January 7 – March 26, 2022 | Convo with Kraven Riverson, from Blaine's account

 Jan 07, 11:31:01am

Kraven Riverson



Mar 24, 11:42:14pm

Blaine Menchineel

Hi, how are you?


Mar 25, 10:42:39pm


Ok you


Mar 26, 2:37:21am


I'm doing well enough,

I suppose


KRAVEN, 10:09 p.m.


Friday, January 14, 2022

January 14, 2022 | Convo with Ni from Trent’s account

 10:18 p.m.


OH JEEZ....... My husband just for MOODY AS FUCK AT ME






Literally unprovoked other than he tried to grab my nose then my hand then tried to flop his arm on my and I'm legit laying here DYING

Like cool talk, touch places that don't make it so I can't even look at TikTok and places that don't hurt

But noooo and he immediately three a tantrum like I'd told him to go away and die 🤦‍♀️

Which I didn't I said stop like twice

Didn't even snap either

Who the fucks on their period? Almost forgot just now 😂



Mine constantly pesters me for attention when I'm writing or watching TV and then gets mad when I ask him to stop

"you're being so rude to me"



Oh yeah mine to. He just did.



good talk, you're blocking the television / distracting me from my story



Like I'm about to be pissed



"I wish I didn't have to beg for attention" then don’t



RIGHT!!!??? Bitches acting like we NEVER do anything with them and we should just CONSTANTLY be all over them



He thinks we don't have enough sex, but like, I've told him multiple times to give me the space to let me come to him, but he DOESNT and then whines about me "losing interest" or "I feel like this relationship isn't working anymore because you're not attracted to me"

but yet he gets wigged out whenever I'm in masc phase



The most annoying part is mine’s a trucker so he like uses it as a weapon

"I've been gone all week how dare you have OTHER plans!!!"






....... Oh my god let me tell you. I totally understand



I had a Bella Swan reaction a few times when his family herded him away from me. Was actually institutionalized for intensive grief rehab once.



Oi..... See and I just need space. Naturally

So like he should know this by now comes home. Knows I'm on my period and hurting. Knows I'm funked out

Proceeds to start drama over NOTHING with me

Oh god I'm sorry dude :/



and now he's like "oh you're losing interest" because I'm actually a whole person with whole interests. I quit RP to spend more time with him and then got abandoned and then he wanted to get back together but be poly and then didn't want to be together because of my chronic (stress induced) illness

So I had to learn to be my own person and now that I'm a fully separate human being he's whiny

Yeah sometimes men get their meriods

at the same time

Just to be annoying

thanks, it sucked but I learned a couple things



And you should not be quitting hobbies for anyone...... But oi I HATE when they do that kinda shit. Mines constantly OVET ANALYSING "you've been so weird lately yada yada*




No like he told me to get back into doing the things that made me happy, but now when I'm doing them I hyper focus and I don't want to be interrupted. And when I started going back to the gym he was like oh you get to go out and go places and I have to stay and take care of the baby but you get to go out every day

Bitch, to the gym!

Oh yeah I hate that the oh you've been so weird lately, you're so distant, our relationship isn't like it used to be. BUDDY. our relationship used to be toxic as fuck because I literally couldn't tolerate being separated from you for more than 8 hours.

And like he was unhappy when I was cleaning to him all the time but now he says that he misses that because it was like I was actually interested in him back then

Like I'm sorry that I'm a recovered sex addict and that my symptoms have gone into remission? I'm sorry that now I have bodily autonomy and I don't require sex as validation? And, no, I don't want to do it that often anymore. I actually kind of lost interest in the act itself when I realized I don't need it for validation anymore. But you know who does like to have it all the time? One of my alters. My male alter.



Yo I FEEL..... Lol

But yuck! Man that sounds soooo familiar except MY husband is sitting around missing the new relationship days. Like he can't get over the fucking fact we've been together ages and have a kid and life now so of course I'm not just following him everywhere acting happy 24/7 around him. That wasn't the REAL me

He got to slowly know the real me now he gets all of it and wants to BITCH



Blech awful



Yeah it's extremely frustrating

To be told how "I'm always miserable" apparently



It's like they want to be fawned over but they don't want to be like have expectations on them and they don't want to be fawned over too much

What the fuck you're not always miserable you're a delight



AHAHAHAHA yeah I'm aware. He doesn't fucking get it though. Of I'm not wanting to run off into the blue to walk around Walmart or fuck in the semi 24/7 I must be a miserable bag of shit

Last week he basically told me to get a hobby



But you have a hobby. This is your hobby.



Until it immediately backfired and slapped him in the FACE

I was like name your hobbies

Wait no I said

"If you were home all week. What would you do?"

He goes. "Uuhh watch TV?"

So I pointed to my phone

"Work on my car?"

So I pointed to the Xbox

And he was just like "Oh...."

Oh or he said, "Hang out with my friends?"

And I was like "Ooohh so like when you hear me sending voice messages to my two new mom friends or my gay bestie?"

Again he goes "Ooohh huh? "

ROFL idiot



Yeah and it's like I used to be basically nymphomaniac when I was 23 okay and Loki was 18. And back then he couldn't keep up with me and he thought that I was too demanding because I wanted it like five times a day. Literally five times a day. And now we're 25 and 30. I pretty much get my needs met from reading, writing, or you know videos of gay men. And part of it is again because I no longer need sex to validate me. And Loki is upset that we only do it like a couple times a week. And he thinks that I have a sexual dysfunction and that I should talk to my therapist about it. I really don't. I just am no longer hypersexual and that shouldn't be a problem. Like I should be allowed to be gray Ace and not have there be something wrong with me. Unfortunately our couple’s counselor took his side so I fired her

I think you let stupid come in you

Sorry 😐



ROFLMAO.......... Mines tried saying that but I put him down so HARD it's drifted into past for the moment



But yeah it's like you're damned if you're too needy and then you're damned if you're not needy enough because they want you to like fit into this box of what they think a partner should be instead of just allowing you to flourish as just your own human being but they like claim that they want you to be happy but only like on their terms



And yeah just a little bit

YUP basically...... And mine I think is full bipolar

Literally he forgets his own options and forms new ones sometimes



Yeah dude Loki says that he wasn't fully a man when he was 18 and that he has more testosterone out. Bitch I have testosterone. Everybody has testosterone. It I actually have more testosterone than the average afab person my age



We both have idiots 🤣



Yes we do but mine happens to be a good co-parent and I don't really want to deal with a toddler on my own so I'm stuck with him



Same....... ROFLMAO



He is aesthetically a very attractive person. I always get comments on how hot he is how good looking he is and how good looking our baby is who looks mostly like him because he has most of the dominant alleles

Now if you would just wear a filler gag and stay tied to the chair...



ROFL!!!!! Omfg yeah mine looks like my husband just copied and pasted lmfao



Right, they always end up looking like the dad



Actually my half sister looks like our mom but in her case she is a lot prettier than our mom was at her age but on the other hand she's kind of starting to look like her now. But her babies also look like her



I look like my dad which is actually a blessing because yeah my dad has a great facial structure and my mom has like kind of a pear face

And then I think Loki inherited his father's facial structure,

So I wanted us to have a boy because it's going to end up with a masc facial structure, and we did which is great, but he looks exactly like Loki

Oh except for my eyes



AHAHAHAHA yeah basically how mine went. Except I still can't tell what she got of mine

Also my bad slowing down a sec sense I finally got someone up enough to continue on those edits 🤣



That's because you're white

So Loki's eyes are the Ethiopian eye structure and mine are Vietnamese, and also one of my eyes is slightly narrower than the other whereas his are perfectly symmetrical. So it was very easy to tell that Lucius got my eyes



Yeeeaaaa that would be lol

/11:28 p.m.

Monday, January 3, 2022

January 3, 2022 | Convo at Bex, from Faustus's account

 SIGYN, 10:39 a.m.



from uhhh CAOS


/end 10:40 a.m.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

December 30, 2021 | Convo with Bex

 SIGYN, 2:07 a.m., sends a video: 

 BEX, 10:53 a.m.

Hey hun hope you are feeling better *hugs* ❤❤❤❤

Omg is that...what!?


SIGYN, 1:39 p.m.

My mother-in-law sent a video of

...she told me it was gonna be the cats making a journey to see each other?

Well, I moved past the sinus infection stage and now I'm at the itchy throat and cough stage

Lucius doesn't understand why I won't play with him

(6:17 p.m.) blechhhhh

whine whine complain complain

I hate being sick again

December 30, 2021 | Convo with Bex, from Trent’s account

 SIGYN1:05 a.m.

Not to be bitchy, but was there a point to that? XD


BEX, 10:54 a.m.

Hey hun hope you are feeling better *hugs* ❤❤❤❤

Wow that Bianca person sounds like a bitch. Ugh


SIGYN, 2:57 p.m.

I mean, we're not even friends, so I'm not sure why she thought it was necessary to PM Nate