Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30, 2016 | Convo with Bex

 BEX, 5:17 PM

Hey there! How are you today?! :) I got your christmas card sent off, sorry it's so late, needed stamps.

Would you like to plot a rp or something?


SIGYN, 5:54 PM

It's alright I ran out of stamps too.

I'm actually pretty overwhelmed with no energy lately, but someday I would.



I hear ya, my body got so stressed I broke out in itchy stress bumps all over me...ick!



Same, actually!



we can sometime though, when you are ready...I am always around. :)



The doctor couldn't figure out what it was on me




yea...sucky isn't it. *giggles* they itch to high heavens and fade when they want...awww! :P



I think I made mine worse tbh. My sister had to give me Gold Bond.



ususally they were only a few on my hands when I would get stressed, but work has really pushed my body more then its used to so now its all over...i used calamine on mine.



My doctor gave me a lotion for scabies that didn't do shit, since I don't have scabies, and in a couple weeks they want to test me for psoriasis.



oh sheesh...yours sound worse then my docs an they are military docs...which are bad to begin with

lol lol



Yeah, true. Well, still better than nothing



true true.

/END 6:00 PM

Saturday, November 5, 2016

November 3 - 5, 2016 | Convo with Bex

 BEX, 2:40 PM

there you are! *hugs* I thought fb had eated you!


November 4th at 11:02 a.m.


Not feeling so good, might take off of Facebook again



oh dear. *hugs her* what's wrong sweetie...


SIGYN, 4:36 PM

Separation anxiety, sex addiction withdrawal



oh honey, I'm sorry. *hugs her gently* I know all about the first one...but...*smirks slightly playful,

slightly sad* the second..well...its been 7 years for me, so can't really miss that after so long....



Ahh... In my case, I get it once every few months from Loki and, well...



well you have someone to love you who you love in that's a good thing



It is! Being an addict sucks.

And Loki is doing his best to cheer me up, so that's good too.

He gave me permission to become the friend with benefits of a good friend who has trouble finding partners...but since Loki insists on knowing EVERYTHING that happens between us, it weirded my friend out and he asked me not to come over tonight.



It will all work out, in time.

yea, some people just aren't meant for that type of thing...but everything will work itself out



Is my friend's birthday. I made brownies :3

I'm sure I will recover soon but right now I am an emo train wreck.



*hugs tight*



Lol I don't like that sort of thing either tbh but I still feel rejected.



your not though. *smiles gently* If its not your cup of tea either, things shouldn't and now won't

happen that you don't wish to happen



Guess so

Tbh i had slept with him a couple times before Loki formally laid down rules. Like a couple nights in a row.

It isn't my business why he didn't want to last night, I just...


November 5th, 1:25 AM


[snip pic]

This is AFTER I said I didn't want to talk to anyone other than Loki or Wolfie (you're fine)

(1:52 a.m.) I know you're asleep but

Turns out Wolfie wasn't snubbing me. He can't sleep in the bed with someone else & didn't mention it till I texted him tonight. Prolly figuring out how to word it. Anyway, we good. I just gotta either come over when his mom isn't home so I can sleep upstairs, come over on days before he has no obligations, or call an Uber and sleep in my own bed after seeing him

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 25 - 26, 2016 | Convo with Bex

 BEX, 10:25 PM

Got em..Will work on it tomorrow. :)


October 26th, 4:13 p.m.

got any particular photos you would like me to use to make you a cover photo?



The one at the top of my current cover photo ♥


BEX, 4:32 PM

go check your wall. *whistles* ♥



Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24, 2016 | Convo with Bex

 SIGYN, 11:26 AM

My FIL looks a lot like Lucius.



how do you contain yourself? *teases, giggling* I LOVE Lucius.

He's deff on my list. *winks* everyone has a freebie list...he's right at the top. :P



[snip pic]




who is THAT!



but you would admittedly be a better match than his current girlfriend

The man in the corset is my husband's father.



*speechless* He looks so....young!

and you are to sweet, thank you. *blushes*



He's 39, and she's awful



39! Wow...yea...ok....*grins* he's....*tilts her head, staring* hot.....I will agree.


you don't like her huh?



Oh, she was lovely towards me.

But she's emotionally abusive to him and his daughters.



oh that kind of horrible...that is so not cool. *frowns*



[snip pic]

The girl there is my younger sister-in-law



and he's got long a thing for guys with long hair. :) Aww, cute pic.






*giggles* Isn't it great! Run your fingers through it, play with it, love long hair on men.



He exact type



Ok, i see it now, he DOES look like Lucius! Holy shite!



I would love to feel that silky hair on my collarbone as he was above me...




ask him to dye his hair white then send me a pic. *giggles and blushes* omg, how close that is...



He has beautiful green eyes too

Uh, one problem

He HATES me.



ohhhhh....*her mood drops considerably* well then....



Still... If Loki ever went after someone else I would go after him.



Good genes, that's for sure.



Remember when I talked about my father-in-law trying to start s rumor about me trying to get

pregnant and sabotaging condoms? That was James.



such mind games for someone his age...*shakes head*



He and I are occasionally capable of having a civil conversation when he wants something, but mostly hes jealous of his son for having me or some such nonsense

Or I remind him too much of MÄ“gan, his current horrible gf



because you two are happy and apparently, he isn't...would be my guess of why he is jealous...



He was a few months ago celebrating being rid of her after four years of abuse...but now they're

back together...she must have tricked him



Oh gods, how horrible!



He had a good girlfriend after her. I wonder what happened. Maybe she's just a bad addiction.



yea, I know what that's like. I had a person 'addiction' in my ex husband...thank god for good friends though...they got me 'out' of it right quick



Well the thing about me and Loki is, Loki and also James have a family legacy goal. I support it and do all I can to help Loki

James never had a girlfriend who did that for him.

*nods seriously*



about time he found one who did.



He has a daughter-in-law who supports it. He should be happy with that

We used to talk on the phone all the time, but when we met in person he didn't like that I was really chatty and really clingy with Loki



true, family is more then just blood, and he is lucky to have you to help...but sometimes people just need someone for them...




And I ran up to hug Loki, my spaghetti strap slipped...I caught James looking but politely said nothing



men can't help it...*chuckles*

hell, I look...*smirks slightly* but then, I'm female :P



And likewise, when I got drunk and texted him telling him I had feelings for him and wanted him for my Dom, he politely didn't mention it later

Oh, I don't mind at all~


BEX did that? Oh my. *giggles* I am Dom so..I know all about that. *grins*



I know hes attracted to me...he can look at the menu, see, he just can't order.



well, Switch with Dom tendencies.



Drunk gyn has horrible judgment



which probably frustrates him, cause he can see his son has someone who is loving and supports him and he knows he doesn't have that...



If he would stop being such a DICK TO ME

I would offer him support and affection too



He's a GUY! Guys suck at emotions...we know this. Lol

some guys do



I just wish he had better judgement. MÄ“gan Martyn is the literal worst.

I would rather he date Umbridge.



*laughs hard and then pauses* wait...that's NOT funny.

Umbridge is horrible!



I wasn't joking.

MÄ“gan is worse.



Slip him a pic of me, sometime...*winks*



Do it yourself






He doesn't speak to me unless he wants something

Or to insult me



*growls softly* not cool....I don't like that



[snip profile link]

You didn't get it from me



get what?





He uses he name of his LARP character



That's cool! Thanks. I used to do a lot of LARP. Now I regulate it mostly to the Highland Games.






yea, Me and my 'family' (friends who are close enough might as well be family) hold the Games

every summer.



Cool! :D



:) You should come out sometime. I think you'd like it.



All my money goes to household expenses, my husband, and local travel



I understand...:)

I just might set aside something then. If ever you wanted to come. I don't mind.



♥ I know Loki would be into it too

He looks Nothing like his dad btw



He can come too. *chuckles* We still trying to figure out where we will hold the next Games. We

didn't get to do it this year cause everyone was so busy...but next year....ohhhh that will be fun!



[snip pics]

Us in 2014




awwww! You two are so cute!

oh I like that one



He is the most adorable man



you guys look happy. :)



We usually are

If you navigate to my page, he's the profile I'm Married To



I will check it out...still unboxing a few hings today. bleh. Hehehe



Ahaha, okay



yea, got to get my 'game' room just so. *giggles*

/END 11:55 AM

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 13, 2016 | Convo with Bex

 SIGYN, 9:31 PM

so because my mother-in-law is a selfish jerk who doesn't care if her ex-husband is abusing her son as long as I don't say anything about his situation on Facebook...

His dad was being a dick and treating him like he doesn't know anything because he's young. Now he's returning to our old commune to meet like-minded folks for an expedition we have been working on since we met.



oh wow...what is wrong with people?



Agreed. Loki will be doing the traveling and experimentation. I will be doing research and funding through my job. I've been offered extra hours at work and am using the extra money towards a joint account.

He will be among peers and safe.

Also he has dropped the poly thing (hopefully permanently) and is being his usual sweet self, if a bit preoccupied with planning, but that is natural.



sounds like fun, whatever you are planning. :)



Indeed! :D I don't wanna jinx it by getting into details but it is quite literally revolutionary and should help a lot of people who are rich in skills and ideas but poor in money.



wow! cool! Hope to hear of it as it progresses.



♥ Thank you again for being such a supportive and understanding friend.



anytime...*hugs and smiles* ♥



*hugs back*



/END 9:39 PM

Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 8, 2016 | Convo with Bex

BEX, 10:18 p.m.

how are YOU doing?






good, that makes me glad. *hugs*



I feel like my husband will come back to me when he's okay again and he needs to discover who he is outside of anyone's expectations.




I agree...things will always work out alright






*smiles and hugs*



I love my lokeloke so much ♥ I hope the self he finds is even better than the self he lost.

/end 10:22 p.m.

Monday, September 5, 2016

September 5, 2016 | Convo with Bex

 SIGYN, 12:37 a.m.

And they're not so good again... He's still confused and I think he's ambivalent about staying married to me

I'm giving him more space but right now it feels heavy on my heart.

(7:42 a.m.) Update time.

Loki is going through the painful process of "second thoughts", and I'm pretty sure those second

thoughts are not about me but are in fact about that thing he needs to have second thoughts about.

I'm voluntarily giving him space to think it through.


BEX, 8:21 a.m.

I think things will be fine.



I have a feeling they will, too. Waiting is hellish though.



I know, but sometimes it can be a good thing. *hugs*



*hugs* is the process of waiting. I have separation anxiety and every hour eats away at me



I know, I do as well, so I understand. but all will be well



Thanks :3 that helps



*smiles and hugs tight* What are friends for?

Sorry, I just woke up, my brain is still a little muddled.



Ah... True

/end 8:37 a.m.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

September 3, 2016 | Convo with Bex

 BEX, 4:17 p.m.

I take it everything is ok now? :D



He seems to have just been lonely and wanted me to make plans to visit him. It was his turn to make plans but he didn't know how.



oh well I am glad that that poly business is out of the way! Yay!



I hope so. *hugs*



*hugs* I am certain



Thank you!

You are so understanding. I know I can be insane sometimes. I really appreciate your kindness



awwww...sthaaappp...*blushes* you making me blush. *giggles* I am just your friendly fb wolf! :P



Okeh. *pets*

/END 4:27 p.m.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1, 2016 | Convo with Bex

SIGYN, 8:23 a.m.

My husband is pursuing a path that will force us to part ways, and consequently him to fail in fulfilling his life dream, but he is too stubborn to see it, and it is hurting me. Also, I can't eat. Booze has calories. Otherwise I would just starve.



Oh sigyn *hugs tight* what is he doing? I hope things will work out for you all, sometimes a new path

can work out...things will be fine in the end, I am sure



So, when we met, he was monogamous and after some smoothing down his rough edges, he became quite devoted to me. But his dad, who always treated him badly, whom he dislikes, who treated his mom like poo, whom he's terrified of ending up has, has nonetheless influenced him to try to force me to agree to an open marriage.

His poor young mind is clouded with his dad's poison, and whenever anyone tries to get him to see reason, he just lashes out. He's...going insane. Believe me, I am not a wife who would leave her husband wanting, in any way.

Also, he wouldn't have the energy for a mistress. But he tries to find one, even though he doesn’t know how to talk to women (which you would think would be a sign that he found who he needs easily and doesn't need anyone else in that way).

If he forces me to "adjust" to this crap, I will become something different. I won't be the woman he fell in love with. Likewise, this demon wearing my husband's face is not the man I fell in love with, and he will flounder without me. He is much more likely to succeed in our dream if I am by his side, happily planning alongside him, but I am not happy now, and we will ne forced to part ways if he continues. I HAVE contingencies, but he will spiral out and end up like his dad.

That is why I'm drinking. It is also why I'm still so severely ill. The stress feeds the illness. Loki is killing me, but he won't admit it.


BEX, 8:44 a.m.

Be right the DMV

(9:05 a.m.) Things always work out the way they are supposed to, even if it isn't the way WE want them to be. That is a very hard lesson that I had to learn quite a few years ago. It isn't easy to watch those you love make mistakes, but then there is nothing you can do about it either if they won't change but wait for them to realize on their own, the mistakes they are making and be there for them when they finally fall or return to themselves.

People with family like that always strive to 'please' said parent because even though they may hate the parent, they will always secretly earn for said parents love...I know, me and my mom are like oil and water and most of my ptsd and anxiety issues strive from her...and yet I know inside that that is my mom....I'm 'supposed' to love her and she is supposed to love me and it hurts cause i know that will never happen but I ccan't just cut her out of my life either



Okay but

Im his wife.

Like... I understand what you're saying

But ... He has said he doesn't want to be like his dad and doesn't care about his dad's approval. And his priority should be me, his wife; not a parent, like a child.



I have been in the open relationship thing, I am poly or have i know a lot about all that aspect of it. It is not for everyone, I know...but for those who make it work, it can be very much a loving working, healthy thing. Not saying it's for you...that's something you have to decide, but it is only society who tells us that loving more then one person is wrong....anyway, I hear you, but stressing yourself out when clearly he is 'stuck' in his own world right now won't do any of you any good









You making yourself sick over something that you can not change right now...just be pacient...he will come around



I'm sorry but this triggers me a lot



Calm down, I didn't mean it was ok for you and him..I was just telling my side



I don't want to be forced to be a part of that madness

I just want my husband back!

I was his one and only. I was his beautiful mate.

Icant do tbisc

I'm sorry I think I shouldn't be alive anymore. Im so soryy



Hey hey! Don't you say that! Ever! *hugs tight*

This is just a bump...all ships have them

Things will get better



Ive had mt own experiences with that kond of thing it doesn't work for me i dont want it to work for anyome really



You just gotta relax, breathe, take one day at a time. He will realize what he is doing sooner later and when he does, you will be there



It hurts. I need to be his one and only or i dont exist. Im mot real

Iwaited tot

Find him, I waited 23 years, I went through a lot of shit to finally meet someone who shares my dreams and sparks possibility in me

But you see, the trouble is, directly before him, ...something happened with someone that caused extreme separation anxiety.



It will get better I promise it will



I don't breathe easily without him there showing affection for me, and I mean that literally. I have a degenerative lung thing.



I went thru the same thing with my sister, she was going down a bad bad road...drugs and everything but no matter how many times I talked to her, no matter how loud I shouted, she wouldn't hear me or change her ways. I had to 'let go" for a while till she finally hit bottom...but when she did and she decided to change, I was there to help her back up



I'm sorry. Im not going to kill myself. I had an anxiety attack. I cant handle the idea of him wit anyone else. He needs to stand by his choice to he with me, and me alone. Besides, becaise of how unique he is, he is unlikely to even meet anyone else who shares the vision we have.

Okay that's great BUT

Youre missing the fact that I cant wait.

My health will get worse without him.

The depression and anxiety are literally the least of my problems and they are pretty much all consuming when it comes to my consciousness.



It isn't waiting sigyn...driving yourself sick over something you can't change right now isn't doing either of you any good.




How do you not understand that?

I just AM sick, and when he isn't there for me, it just GETS worse.

You think I would still be sick, unable to exercise or eat or go to work, MY WORK WHICH I LOVE, if I had a choice?



Your sick now, worried...I understand that. But nothing is going to happen...nothing bad. Things will be fine. Don't yell, I me I do. I'm just trying to help....

Sometimes I'm not good with the words going together thing



I know you're trying to help,but the only thing that will help really would be him coming back to me.

It's been four days.

I know that doesn't sound long

Every hour drags on.



He will, he will...he loves you, he will. Men just take a little longer to realize then us when they are being 'dumb'. *chuckles softly, bad attempt to joke* he will be back...I am certain.

And when I am Certain...I am NEVER wrong



Becca, this is terrifying for me. I haven't been able to make love to him since early June since we live in different cities. I cant bear to think of him tainting himself with some skank.



Kinda my saying that I only say when I know something for sure...

He won't. He loves you sillygoose or he wouldn't have married you



He needs to realise that he loves me and what he's trying to do is both wrong amd doomed to failure.

The thing about polyamory is that it ONLY works if everyone consents to it.



He will see it, and I know.



I cannot consent. It isn't ~society brainwashing~ or whatever the fuck. It's my heart. I literally need to be his one and only or my existence is pointless.

He'll see it before he gets anywhere inappropriate with anyone?

And I'm not mocking your words, by the way, the scare quotes was his bs argument



I can do a 'seeing' later if you want me to. *blushes a bit* not something I normally offer...or blurt out but we are friends and I'll try.

I'll explain that later as well. I'm still here but running errands..



I'm sorry I lost it with you. I've had visions of how it'll turn out whichever path he goes down, like, if he chooses to cheat on me, he will fail at his goals because we will be forced to part ways as a natural consequence because neither of us will be the person the other fell in love with. But if he stays true to me, we will have a large, strong family of brothers and sisters gathered from all over, we will work beautifully and our plans will come much closer to succeeding.

I think he will choose to be true to me, but waiting for him to announce that conclusion tears me apart.

(1:00 p.m.) But yes, please do a seeing if youre offering


Saturday, August 27, 2016

August 27, 2016 - convo with Bex

 4:51 p.m. Me: Heya :3 so my husband and I live in different cities because he goes to college out of town, and he's moving to the house of his uncle's friend this weekend.

The friend was willing to let me stay with them every so often, but then my father-in-law told the friend not to let me come over >~>
After I sent him $25 worth of cheese, too. Jerkbutt

Bex: oh dear, that is not very nice at all. I hope you and your hubby can get together soon. and that you feel better soon too

Me: Thanks :3 Loki just started classes last week, and he lost his job so he doesn't have a lot of savings right now. And i work part time, but it's up to me to save up a travel fund for us to see each other. I managed to save the correct amount this payday, but Loki says he wants to wait till after he moves and when he has the energy to travel to the Greyhound.
The station is in a crappy part of town super far away from where he lives and it sucks. But maybe I'll find an area nearer to him where we can hang out, I don't know.
Anyway, what class is the test for?

Bex: sounds like a lot on your plate. Hope it all works out for you guys. and I love that his real name is Loki. that is so awesome! :)
I am going for computer security…they are teaching me to be a 'legal' hacker

Me (5:01 p.m.): Yeah, his dad has an interesting sense of humour. My Loki is best Loki ♥
And cool! That's a great industry.

Bex: thanks, still a little unsure about it, but no going back now. lol

Me: Well, your education can go in any direction you choose, but it's good to have perseverance.

Bex: thanks, I'm trying :)

Me: That's what's important. I was a psychology major, but schooling didn't work out XD
I did get certified in office administration, but that only took about six months.

Bex: wow! that's amazing! Whew!

Me: Thank you, but it was a class taught at an extremely low level. I could probably have gone into any class in Job Corps cold and graduated easily.

Bex (6:08 p.m.): Have you heard from Loki? Not your Loki…but the Loki here? he's been away since thursday

Me: Not lately. Lemme check his page.

Bex: I did as well, and posted that I miss him…hope he's ok, he said he would be here tonight.

Me (6:23 p.m.): Yeah, he might be hiding from his stalkers.
There's this one girl who messages me every so often asking where he is.

Bex: I talked to him in chat…well..left him a hello and a how are you…normally, he talks to me, even when he is hiding…sheesh…

Me: Yeah. Possibly he's busy or overwhelmed

Bex: hope he's ok. I actually really like him…

Me: Yeah, he's a cool dude.

Bex: he is. :) shame though, how our rp together was spoiled. frowns slightly I found out what really happened and I don't think it was very nice….to put it mildly and politely. lol

Me: I don't know what happened.

Bex: he told me that the last time he was 'leaving' my character was because Rider kept teasing him about me and my poems that I was riding. He was working with Emma, who wanted Loki back to herself, to get him away from me….but I didn't find this out till much later….really sucks how two people who say are your friends do something like that to you. hence why I don't talk to Emma anymore and I have since blocked all riders pages….thats the short version.

Me: Huh. I'm sorry that happened to you.
The reason I don't go after him IC is because he's got a long line of girls that want him in RP and I'm done with RP drama since I faded out of the Kingdom Hearts fandom.

Bex: there was a Kingdom Hearts fandom here? really! Wow! and I know…so many people chase him on here, its sickening.
like he is a person….not a piece of meat

Me: Yeah, the Kingdom Hearts fandom is actually pretty huge. Marluxia Kynaston is me. I had over 500 RP partners back in the day, and relationships tended to be turbulent. A lot of my RP relationship turned into RL.
Yeah, I agree. He's even explicitly said he wants an RP wifey, not a bunch of hos, but
Yet he keeps getting with all the hos lol, except you're not one.

Bex: awww thanks! Yea he has said that to me as well, and he has also said that I am one of the very few on here that he trusts….so I'm just like…hello…you want a wife? you never really left…chuckles softly but I don't push…besides its fun, just being his friend

Me: True. I play as his handmaiden because ytf not man

Bex: nods and giggles true, always something going on whenever he is around

Friday, June 10, 2016

June 10, 2016 - convo with Bex

 8:59 p.m. BEX: whats with the comment on Lokis good night? *tilts head slightly*

(9:00 p.m.) whose a whore? cause if you meant me...I certainly ain't none.
(9:01 p.m.) me and Loki are friends...
so yea...want to know what that is all about...thanks
(9:03 p.m.) just curious...cause I ain't done nothing...
(9:05 p.m.) hope you doing alright, just wondering what the heck is going on.

ME (9:32 p.m.): Hi! I meant Angrboda

BEX: ohhhh ok, cause you posted it under his "You're not fit to be around me" post..and I was like huh? Lol

ME: I don't usually check my messages on this account, but yeah, you and I are friends too :3 Sigyn doesn't like Angrboda.

BEX: who is Angrboda? and its ok...hehehe was just so confused...its been a confusing day

ME: In Norse mythology, Angrboda is Loki's second wife and the mother of Hel, Fenrir, and Jormangand.

BEX: can ya cahnge the reply just a bit...please, so it doesn't look like you mean me? :3

[SNIP: I agree and change my reply]

BEX: *smirks* ohhhh what a fun
thanks! :D sorry, was just all confused tonight. Lol

ME: Nah, it's fine. Thanks for asking about it and not starting a drama post war or something. Not that you would, just, I dealt with the Kingdom Hearts fandom for yeeeaaars

BEX: Oh no, I wouldn't do that. Not like that at all. Thanks for understanding though

ME: Hee~ np

BEX: watching True Blood...its just been a night. Lol
let me tell you

ME: I FUCKING love True Blood.

BEX: YESH! Best series ever!

ME: I dunno, I mean, I've seen every episode of Burn Notice.

BEX: I got 'burned' out on that one rather fast. *giggles* no pun intended. Lol

ME: I LOOOVE that show though. Fiona is amazing.
Plus there's a villain with the same name as an IRL in-law.

BEX: REALLY! wow! now that is funny!

ME: Btw is True Blood on Netflix Instant?

BEX: I don't know. I got the whole series on dvd for my bday last year.

ME: Lucky

BEX: it was the only thing I got, but hey, I was happy. :)

ME: Quality over quantity, dearie

BEX: very very true

ME: My husband, whose name is Loki IRL, got us matching swords for my birthday ♥

BEX: awwww! Now that is a gift! I LOVE swords! ♥

ME: So do we!

BEX: hey, what an idea for a vlog! Thanks! :D
I collect them. :)

ME: Ooooh

BEX: I think I a vlog about my sword collection. Don't have many but I have enough lol

ME: Excellent
YouTube or Facebook?

BEX: hopefully both...if I can figure out this Live thing! Lol

ME: Sweet

BEX (10:00 p.m.): welp, I think Im going to hit the hay...1am and my brain is shutting down. Lol
speak soon :D

ME: Right-o, sleep well

BEX: you too!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

February 27, 2016 | Convo with Loki Devlin, from Persephone Valmont’s account

DEVLIN, 12:48 a.m.

omg thank you so much.I will keep my distance from her.cus i really dont want to lose this account

you the best ♥

tho did she told you that?



Actually... I meant that you and she should still RP and stuff, because that Thor was just being a jerk.

and yeah, she sent me screenshots of him whining at her. She says she blocked him, though, so you should be fine.



she did not block him


and i dont care anymore



wait what



just leave me out of the drama



Alrighty. Sorry, man. I'm sure she'll sort it out.



go to her profile he is still there




Well, I'm sorry about that. I won't say anything if something like this happens again. I shouldn't have gotten involved.



thats the 4 girl A Thor took from me

fucking asshole >.<

no you have done the right thing and i thank you



*huggles* I'm sorry, sweetie. You're much better than Thors, imo.

ugh, I'm reading the worst sex scene

It's so bad that we wrote in a character who randomly bursts into song

just to take the edge off the pain.



omg i need more coffee



*feeds you coffee*

/end 12:58 a.m.