4:51 p.m. Me: Heya :3 so my husband and I live in different cities because he goes to college out of town, and he's moving to the house of his uncle's friend this weekend.
The friend was willing to let me stay with them every so often, but then my father-in-law told the friend not to let me come over >~>
After I sent him $25 worth of cheese, too. Jerkbutt
Bex: oh dear, that is not very nice at all. I hope you and your hubby can get together soon. and that you feel better soon too
Me: Thanks :3 Loki just started classes last week, and he lost his job so he doesn't have a lot of savings right now. And i work part time, but it's up to me to save up a travel fund for us to see each other. I managed to save the correct amount this payday, but Loki says he wants to wait till after he moves and when he has the energy to travel to the Greyhound.
The station is in a crappy part of town super far away from where he lives and it sucks. But maybe I'll find an area nearer to him where we can hang out, I don't know.
Anyway, what class is the test for?
Bex: sounds like a lot on your plate. Hope it all works out for you guys. and I love that his real name is Loki. that is so awesome! :)
I am going for computer security…they are teaching me to be a 'legal' hacker
Me (5:01 p.m.): Yeah, his dad has an interesting sense of humour. My Loki is best Loki ♥
And cool! That's a great industry.
Bex: thanks, still a little unsure about it, but no going back now. lol
Me: Well, your education can go in any direction you choose, but it's good to have perseverance.
Bex: thanks, I'm trying :)
Me: That's what's important. I was a psychology major, but schooling didn't work out XD
I did get certified in office administration, but that only took about six months.
Bex: wow! that's amazing! Whew!
Me: Thank you, but it was a class taught at an extremely low level. I could probably have gone into any class in Job Corps cold and graduated easily.
Bex (6:08 p.m.): Have you heard from Loki? Not your Loki…but the Loki here? he's been away since thursday
Me: Not lately. Lemme check his page.
Bex: I did as well, and posted that I miss him…hope he's ok, he said he would be here tonight.
Me (6:23 p.m.): Yeah, he might be hiding from his stalkers.
There's this one girl who messages me every so often asking where he is.
Bex: I talked to him in chat…well..left him a hello and a how are you…normally, he talks to me, even when he is hiding…sheesh…
Me: Yeah. Possibly he's busy or overwhelmed
Bex: hope he's ok. I actually really like him…
Me: Yeah, he's a cool dude.
Bex: he is. :) shame though, how our rp together was spoiled. frowns slightly I found out what really happened and I don't think it was very nice….to put it mildly and politely. lol
Me: I don't know what happened.
Bex: he told me that the last time he was 'leaving' my character was because Rider kept teasing him about me and my poems that I was riding. He was working with Emma, who wanted Loki back to herself, to get him away from me….but I didn't find this out till much later….really sucks how two people who say are your friends do something like that to you. hence why I don't talk to Emma anymore and I have since blocked all riders pages….thats the short version.
Me: Huh. I'm sorry that happened to you.
The reason I don't go after him IC is because he's got a long line of girls that want him in RP and I'm done with RP drama since I faded out of the Kingdom Hearts fandom.
Bex: there was a Kingdom Hearts fandom here? really! Wow! and I know…so many people chase him on here, its sickening.
like he is a person….not a piece of meat
Me: Yeah, the Kingdom Hearts fandom is actually pretty huge. Marluxia Kynaston is me. I had over 500 RP partners back in the day, and relationships tended to be turbulent. A lot of my RP relationship turned into RL.
Yeah, I agree. He's even explicitly said he wants an RP wifey, not a bunch of hos, but
Yet he keeps getting with all the hos lol, except you're not one.
Bex: awww thanks! Yea he has said that to me as well, and he has also said that I am one of the very few on here that he trusts….so I'm just like…hello…you want a wife? you never really left…chuckles softly but I don't push…besides its fun, just being his friend
Me: True. I play as his handmaiden because ytf not man
Bex: nods and giggles true, always something going on whenever he is around