Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jan 7, 2015

Jan 7, 2015
12:49 PM

Congress passed a national ban on abortion. We should be more serious about using condoms.

-_- Seriously? We have enough fucking people in the world. When did this happen?
God, things are just getting worse. Imagine all the rape babies we will be seeing in the next few years.

Yay for family history of miscarriage.

Oh, it's to ban abortions after 20 weeks. Okay. That's not QUITE as bad.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Jan 6, 2015: Radicals Discussing Politics

Jan 6, 2015
4:00 PM

Cuddle. Discussing politics is depressing.

There is always a way. Honestly, most of the people who got in trouble for taking action were doing it wrong. The government may have firepower and shock and awe tactics, they may have drones and death squads and nukes and shit, but all that can be overcome with patience, ingenuity, and determination. I'm not saying it's easy, but if you're thinking about it, the real problem we face is the fact that activist groups and factions put too much into the thought of serving the common opinion, and thus they never reach the potential needed to overpower the man. They have a lot of thinkers and a lot of actors, but not true creativity, and thus they tend to fail. Nowadays, most failure groups like protesters and direct action folks are withdrawing into secrecy. We hear less and less about them, and that's not because it's over. It's because they are planning alternatives.

Obviously, Steve has given up on the idea of fighting for freedom. He thinks that I don't know what's out there, that I haven't thought about getting killed or attacked or arrested. Maybe he thinks somehow it will get better, maybe he doesn't care because he's old and dying, but there are many ways to end this, and not just by his spoonfed perception of revolution.

Tell me what you have in mind. What kinds of alternatives do you think are out there?

I'm not pretending like I have all the answers, but I know enough to say that I refuse to live this way, under the heel of monotonous bullshit and servitude.

I'm asking what kind of alternatives you think people retreating into secrecy might be considering to add to my own knowledge base.

Movements are weaker because they choose to try to change the system while depending on it. Take the Free State Project, for example. They have been at this for years, barely staying under the radar, but they will find a hard road ahead when they try to fully liberate New Hampshire. They have to follow the rules of the government, so they never make progress.

The Occupy movement fell for the same reason: They depended on society's resources, and were utterly aimless.

I actually don't know much about Occupy other than that it existed and seemed pointless. I wanna know more about your plans and methods, though. What do you think will make a difference in a way that no one else has? Not as a matter of having all the answers, but as a matter of sharing your goals in a more specific sense.

People can't do much of anything when they're working day and night to live in a box and working so hard to follow the rules of the system they are trying to destroy, and yet so many activists and anarchists work minimum wage to pay for the house they paint picket signs in so they can march in the streets and accomplish nothing, over and over again. This whole time, anarchists have been so caught up in the monotony of the system, they forget they can't do anything by being a part of it.

So that is primarily what I want to step away from. Secondly, it's absolutely pathetic that nobody has thought about using things like boron carbide armor and nobody's bothered to take advantage of the countless flaws of the system for anything truly powerful. For example, a traffic jam could let a man rob a bank or go on a killing spree, and the cops couldn't catch him or stop him because they're 6 miles away stuck on 27th St. in traffic and that guy's on a minibike.

Brilliant <3

Everyone forgot about EMPs and all the ways that a person could overpower a tank, be it thermite mines of even a catapult full of liquid nitrogen.

How easy it could be to set up a giant flaming oiled spear rap that could skewer and cook a whole flotilla of riot pigs.

These are just a tiny fraction of over a thousand ways we could overpower the rapidly shrinking American military and police. But nobody's really getting into it, so far as the media won't tell us the truth .There were organizations and resistances that have been erased from the history books so people could never know. Our media twists and turns stories to fit the corporate world's desires. Not even science is entirely true anymore. We have been lied to again and again every day.

That's why I want to chronicle our adventures and our story.

We are trained to be corpgov wage slaves, and that the government is invincible and has too much firepower, but everyone always forgets that strategy is truly what will win a war, and so far I haven't seen much of it from our government, especially in the middle east where most of the troops shoot themselves in dust storms.

The war would have ended if America had any strategy or ingenuity, aside from wasting money they don't have.

Wasting money isn't a strategy. It's stupidity. This is part of the reason I like making our own foods. It's why I will never stand in the way of you stealing or begging. The corporations don't deserve the money we are trained to give them.

Stealing, spanging, growing, and scavenging.

Yes, well, I will do plenty of scavenging and growing as well. By the way, honey, we got more beans, potatoes, apples, and some oranges.

Good :)

Kiss kiss <3 *nuzzles* It's good that we share the same basic views.

Yep :)

I thought it would be fun to talk about something different for a change. And it makes me feel closer to you.

Yeah, I feel the same way.

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015 - texts with Loki

 10:10 p..m.


Loki... I think that you want me to be assured that you won't give me any reason to doubt you, so I should stop finding reasons not to trust you and just let myself be loved by you and learn to understand and appreciate your own unique way of caring for me.


I am saying that

Friday, January 2, 2015

Jan 2, 2015, part 2

Jan 2, 2015
11:30 PM

Lol I'm watching the remake of The Stepford Wives and... it's hilarious and makes me relieved that you actually WANT a strong woman instead of being so threatened by one that you'd turn her into a robot.

No robots

The women all look and act like they're from the 50's, except the protagonist and her best friend... at first. I'm glad the remake is a comedy, because in the original, the robot women killed and replaced the wives, whereas in the remake, the women are "reprogrammed" inexplicably and have robot parts attached to them.
The women all used to be powerful, intelligent, formidable modern ladies. The husbands were threatened by them and so turned them into the 50's wife ideal, which is irritating. I like wearing flapper frocks, cooking, baking, and providing my man with unconditional love and support. But I would never want to forcibly become... that.

I would never want that either, ugh.

I know, right? I like actually being able to understand and help you towards your dreams and goals. I like being passionate, even if it's a pain in the ass for you sometimes AND AT LEAST YOU KNOW MY ORGASMS ARE REAL GOOD GODS THAT WAS OBSCENE
He literally programmed his wife to scream "You're the king!" and let out this unearthly screech.

Wow. I'm glad for that too. I wouldn't be with someone who's condemned to my will.

Anyway, I like being able to debate and appreciate art and music. Even if I don't use those abilities much, I like the choice.
They give us a peek into the men's club and the men are all overgrown little boys. Nasally mouth breathers.

Jan 2, 2015, part 1

Jan 2, 2015
10:59 AM

*giggles* That background noise was getting obnoxious

Yeah, I know.

Silly plebes being plebic

It's very annoying -_-

Sucks for you~

1:18 PM
Crev says,
"Try watching Dude, You're Screwed!
that show actually gives you tips on outdoor survival.'

Huh, sounds funny.
Bet that's the punchline

Crev says,
"Usually. They give people two or three days to find civilization after dropping them off in the middle of nowhere with misc. items."

4:36 PM
Hah, I didn't tell you, I had the address for my day pass as "Smegma Valley."


5:21 PM
That was an epic run to catch the 68.
I can really run in these boots. I sprinted up the road after the bus across a city block and through the middle of an intersectoin and around fat people and... Wow, I made it.

I'm collecting apple seeds for us.

Ugh, some guy smells like week-old Chef Boyardee.

When we get to NH, we can plant our own tree!

Like how old processed tomato soup smells after being left in the fridge

I wouldn't know about that, but I assume it's gross.

I think he's a drug dealer.

Drug dealers can afford showers, sweetie.

And there's some cold alcoholic, some cholo, and his scrawny hooch
And now there's this weird guy who smells like an ashtray and, like every other person who was sitting in his spot, is not a fan of the window being open.

Too freaking bad
Oh, you want the window closed? Try not smelling like shit!

And as usual, some mongs and plebes are having a debate on stupid shit at the front of the bus. Thankfully, the open window is blowing the cigarette smell away.

And your happy homemaker girlfriend is preparing dinner for you <3 data-blogger-escaped-p="">
Homemaker? Never heard that term outside of Minecraft

It has an entirely different meaning, kind of old-fashioned. It's someone, usually a woman, who tends to the house and meals-- making the house a home for herself and her mate, while he goes out and does manly stuff.

Crazy ashtray guy is rocking in his seat and mumbling to himself and ogling some skank who just walked on the bus. Now it smells like preheated moldy steak.
Oh okay, I get it.

Ew, who lets steak go to mold?!

People who never look in the back of the fridge
We had penecillin growing in the back drawer of the fridge
Mumbling oafs everywhere tonight

*mumbles at you*

6:00 PM

Man, this bridge is so anti-suicide. I feel like being a lazy fuck and using the ramp.

Be lazy. I wanna see my man.

Discovered a shortcut from the main road to your place.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Jan 1, 2015

Jan 1, 2015
3.08 PM

"You don't say" of the day: "Pure water is the solution with the highest possible concentration of water."

-_- wow

I know, right? My personal comment: 'Is this book for college freshmen or first graders?"

Probably both.

Oooo burn. Well, I found it very offensive how... simple that book is. I feel as though it talks down to me, and I don't like that. You're the only one allowed to hold my hand.

Yeah, but what can you expect from idiots these days?

I expect to be treated as a serious scholar when I attend post-secondary school.

Yeah, I would respect that.

The professors don't even take their own subjects seriously, except when they take them too seriously.

4:09 PM

I'm practicing with my throwing knives fright now, and I'm a great knife-thrower but I can't really explain how.

You have a talent <3 data-blogger-escaped-p="">It's a very sexy talent, by the way. I can throw things, but my aim is awful because I have bad hand-eye coordination.

My blades seem to always make their mark, even if they don't always stick.
The real problem I'm faced with is the fact that I still don't fully understand how I do it.

You do it well because you're talented, honey. You can teach the basics and I may pick it up and do well. But you were blessed with something, and you should be grateful for it without questioning it, my love.

Well, that's the problem, is that I have to redefine the basics. Telling you to let the blade flow from your hand is not really practical, but for some reason, it's how I do it.

It's okay, Loki. Teach me the way you know and be patient with me because it might take a while to learn. It's okay that your tutelage will not fit the basic mold of teaching. It will be unique to you. It will be special.

The default method of throwign knives is a lot harder because people have to calculate how many rotations the knife will make before it hits the target. My method is possibly harder because it's more about how you grip the weapon and how you release it. Normal knife throwing would be practically useless in a fight, but my style allows an instant atack.

I look forward to being taught by you, love.

When I do, I'll teach you too :)

Excellent. *kisses your nose*

8.50 PM

I hope you enjoy your noob-dles.

I will.

They're a pain to make and take a lot of flour to prepare.
But they don't require an oven or anything like that, so they're actually fairly practical.