Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012 | Convo with Dmitriy Bordelon

 Damien Chesterly, 9:12 a.m.

Hey Brynn. I can't be assed to get out of bed but I will send your 3DS ...soon. Also don't tell anyone other than Lynn that this is me.


Dmitriy Bordelon

Okay, that's fine~

And I won't.



I'm a LITTLE bit pissed off that Frey and his friends decided to fuck with my head by setting me up to think he liked me, then announcing that something terrible would happen where my heart was concerned, then him coming on and saying he was engaged while posting a stock photo and claiming it was him and his fiancé, then deactivating.



That's fucking terrible. You deserve way more than that from people.



Also, I publicly called Fre out for posting a stock photo. I posted a link to the TinEye image search for it that proved it was a stock photo-- I was a mod on a dating site for a while and dealt with shit like that every day-- and then he deactivated.



...what a fucktard.



And yet, I'm not heartbroken. I feel nothing.

Well, I'm pissed off that they all played me

But other than that, I feel nothing.






That's okay, I know something that will annoy them.

I asked TaDa point blank to be honest with me if I didn't have a chance. He wasn't. So I'm going to take his flat refusal to allow me to introduce myself by Fre's last name as more of a suggestion.

So Hi, I'm [REDACTED] Hishikoija.

It's nice to meet you~



That's clever. And how does TaDa have the right to regulate whose last name you use?

It's nice to meet you too, hah.

Also, is [REDACTED] your birth name?




I hate it

/end 9:33 a.m.