Saturday, November 5, 2016

November 3 - 5, 2016 | Convo with Bex

 BEX, 2:40 PM

there you are! *hugs* I thought fb had eated you!


November 4th at 11:02 a.m.


Not feeling so good, might take off of Facebook again



oh dear. *hugs her* what's wrong sweetie...


SIGYN, 4:36 PM

Separation anxiety, sex addiction withdrawal



oh honey, I'm sorry. *hugs her gently* I know all about the first one...but...*smirks slightly playful,

slightly sad* the second..well...its been 7 years for me, so can't really miss that after so long....



Ahh... In my case, I get it once every few months from Loki and, well...



well you have someone to love you who you love in that's a good thing



It is! Being an addict sucks.

And Loki is doing his best to cheer me up, so that's good too.

He gave me permission to become the friend with benefits of a good friend who has trouble finding partners...but since Loki insists on knowing EVERYTHING that happens between us, it weirded my friend out and he asked me not to come over tonight.



It will all work out, in time.

yea, some people just aren't meant for that type of thing...but everything will work itself out



Is my friend's birthday. I made brownies :3

I'm sure I will recover soon but right now I am an emo train wreck.



*hugs tight*



Lol I don't like that sort of thing either tbh but I still feel rejected.



your not though. *smiles gently* If its not your cup of tea either, things shouldn't and now won't

happen that you don't wish to happen



Guess so

Tbh i had slept with him a couple times before Loki formally laid down rules. Like a couple nights in a row.

It isn't my business why he didn't want to last night, I just...


November 5th, 1:25 AM


[snip pic]

This is AFTER I said I didn't want to talk to anyone other than Loki or Wolfie (you're fine)

(1:52 a.m.) I know you're asleep but

Turns out Wolfie wasn't snubbing me. He can't sleep in the bed with someone else & didn't mention it till I texted him tonight. Prolly figuring out how to word it. Anyway, we good. I just gotta either come over when his mom isn't home so I can sleep upstairs, come over on days before he has no obligations, or call an Uber and sleep in my own bed after seeing him