Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Job Interview, part 3

This is where it started to get strange. I always thought it was unprofessional for employers to talk to prospective employees about their friends' personal problems, but I wanted to make a good impression. Meanwhile, Loki calls "sock puppet".

JULY 29, 2015
3.01 PM

Hello there


How are y’all

Well, I lost my Clipper card on account of Loki grabbed it by accident and the fare inspector confiscated it. Supervisor isn’t there today so I have to waste the money I got from recycling on a day pass. I’m a bit peeved about it, but other than that, we’re doing okay. How about you?

I could be much better
I’m sorry for your crappie day

It’s alright. Everything will probably turn out okay. I hope things get better for you, too

Me too, Kaylee is in horrible shape. That’s my worry

That’s really awful. I told her if we got this job, I’d set aside part of my earnings to help her with whatever she needs, but other than that, you know, I don’t really know what to do other than be there for her.

She miscarriaged this morning. And she’s getting kicked out she has no money to get a place so she’s in a predicament she has a job starting Sep 1 with a friend of ours getting good money but until then she’s out of luck

She’s the sweetest girl in the world and we hope things do work out for her. It’s terrible, you know, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to kick her out, but I’m happy she has a job lined up.

Yeah she will be on the streets untill she get a the job tho. She’s an amazing girl. I would lend the money but I just got more cattle and I have to build up again before I do any lending of money

I know what that’s like, both not having a place to go and not being in the best position to help someone who does. I know she’ll be able to make it good for herself once she does stat work and I believe God is with her. Just sometimes things fall apart.

Yeah. If been asking all the boys who chip in to help her but everyone is strapped you know? Her family has money and refuse to help her.
That’s what hurts. See the way I see it if anyone knows people who have money they should ask for help as long as they pay it back. And kaylee is great to her word. She has never not paid someone back

I had a girlfriend up in Canada, an old writing buddy of mine. I used to send her rent money when I could before my inheritance ran out.
Wow. That’s really not kind of her family.

Exactly I always help when I can. She even asked her ex to help and he said no. And iv asked everyone I know
It breaks my heart
I talked to a guy who owns apartments a good friend of mine known him a wahile he said he would give her reduced deposit and rent if she can get the money

Yeah, I get what you mean. I mean, I wouldn’t lend. If I had the money, I’d just give it to her because she’d need it more, you know? We’re in a tight spot ourselves, and I essentially resorted to making a group chat on Facebook explaining Loki’s and my situation and that’s how come she recommended us to you, you know, and it’s real sweet of her when she’s in a tight spot herself.

Yeah she always helps every body else and nobody helps her it is proving humanity is being lost

That despair is familiar to me as well, but so is hope. I’m hoping that she’ll find her way and I do have a feeling that everything will turn out for the better for her. It…well, it has to. She’s so good of a person.

I hope. You don’t happen to know loan places for no income? I don’t mess with them so I wouldn’t know

I’m afraid of loans. They can come back and bite you with interest. I don’t know of anything for no income, unfortunately, but I’d still be hesitant to recommend anything that might bite her in the long run. As I said though, if we get work, no matter how small the pay is, I’m giving some of my share to her until she gets on her feet

Yeah :/

And that wouldn’t be a loan, that’ll be a gift to someone in a hard place. My dad says I’m hopeless like that, but if I had to keep track of asking for money back when I gave it out, things would be a lot more stressful, you know what I mean?

Yeah believe me they pay around ehre is good. We’re waiting n the house vote tho

Okay, no problem. I’m happy with anything that helps, because then I can use what helps me to help others. I just figure anyone talking about a friend in need should know I’m that kind of person so they know that there’s one more person willing to help.

I can definitely see that

4.00 PM | ME
My dad says it’ll get me into trouble being liket hat, but I can’t ignore what’s in my heart. Well, anyway, I just hope everything works out. It sucks not being able to do anything.

Good deads always repay well

They certainly do. It feels great to help people and you can’t put a price on heartwarming.

5.16 | ME
Hey, by the way, it just occurred to me to ask what denomination your church is?

It’s southern Baptist.


Okay, a new experience for us =D

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Job Interview, part 2

JULY 27, 2015
8.22 AM

Good morning

9.31 AM | ME
Good morning

How are you

I’m doing alright, and you?

I could be better

I’m sorry to hear that.

It’s fine I’m eating with Kaylee she’s my big worry

I’m messaging with her as we speak. She seems scared.

So I talked to my wifr


We are having a house meeting and your clear :)

Oh, lovely! I’m so happy to hear that!

10.00 AM | CODY
Everyone will vote I’m sure everyone will say yes

Alright. Please let me know how it turns out.

I will we need a picture of both of you to show everyone so we know who were letting in

Okay. Let me find one.


{PICTURES SENT: One of him, one of me, and one of us together}

JULY 28, 2015
1.24 PM


Hello! Did y’all reach a decision yet?

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Job Interview, part 1 (7-26-15)

So, as some of you know, we don't have any money whatsoever. We asked a friend and she referred us to a job. The interview process has been a little... strange.

EDIT TO ADD: Finally got Makayla's bit off Messenger. It's below:

July 26, 10:26am

Makayla Marie
Hey lets talk I asked my buddy about the job

Sigyn Wisch

Makayla Marie
Requirements/rules or pay and what's expected first

Sigyn Wisch
He'll probably have to talk to you about that on his own, but I got the impression that he'll do whatever labour is needed for cash (whatever seems appropriate) as well as room and board.
We would need to figure out a way to get down there. I can help with lighter work or, like, housework if they need that.

Makayla Marie
Well I can fill you in ehat I know and you guys can talk it over. The boss said me and him will come get y'all if needed
If y'all fit the possition

Sigyn Wisch
Oh! Okay. Yeah, tell me everything and Loki and I will talk it over

Makayla Marie
Well Loki would be getting boots, real boots and the boss Cody would buy all start up stuff for y'all and as you work and get paid you pay him 10 bux or so per week to pay off your gear. It a pay per week. Stay 6 months and get insurance room and bord is included his wife Sarah cooks like a chef 4 meals a day amd snacks wake up us 330 work at 500 but your out feeding at 430 real work is 5am threw 4pm. Mon-Sat Sunday is church/family day

Any questions so fat

Sigyn Wisch
That sounds really cool to me, actually. I'll have Loki look over it too. They're really willing to pick us up?

Makayla Marie
Yeah I'm good with the guys. That's the first part of the stuff. Are yall picky on work

Sigyn Wisch
I have lung and heart problems, so heavy lifting prolly isn't the best thing for me, but I'm willing to help with just about whatever... well, wait, let me know what kind of work is needed. I'm ignorant about these things

Makayla Marie
It's a ranch hand for Loki and you would be like Sarah cook clean pick up around with the boys driveing the quads to coral animals

Sigyn Wisch
and Loki and I share a room?

Makayla Marie
But there are rules

Sigyn Wisch
Okay, what are they?

Makayla Marie
You want work rules first or house rules

Sigyn Wisch
and then work

Makayla Marie
1) sex is alowed as long as they don't hear you or see you
2) respect is everything
3) only day you come and go as you please is Saturday night you would live about 2 hours from town
4) no slacking
5) bed time amd wake up times are pre set

Sigyn Wisch
1. I figured as much, since we're married adults.
2. ...I might need some tutoring on that. I'm not used to being polite.
3. Since we're working all day, that makes sense.
4. Got it
5. I might want to set a wakeup alarm a bit earlier so Loki can have some time to relax before getting up. Thanks for letting me know about that! colonthree emoticon

Makayla Marie
That works I mean if you stay a awhile and earn up like I did you can get to bend the rules a bit at home

Sigyn Wisch
If he doesn't have time to relax before work starts, he gets grumpy af
Usually he's a real sweetiepie

Makayla Marie
Understandable. Now work rules you may not like

Sigyn Wisch
Alright, what are work rules?

Makayla Marie
1) 15 before 15
2) you miss 3 days or are late 3 times without Sarah saying your sick or have a valid excuse your out
3) you have a few tests you pass.
4) you gain points to earn rewards
5) whoever's above you you respect no questions asked.
6) keep your vehicles clean wash and clean ever day
7)work clothes are a must not dressed right your pentalised

Sigyn Wisch
I'm okay with all of that, but Loki will probably think it's too strict.

Makayla Marie
Well it's work they pay well
That's what I'm saying is compromise

Sigyn Wisch
*nods* I get it. I'll have to ask him, though

Makayla Marie
Pay is 950 a week after taxes

Sigyn Wisch
That's pretty good. I'm definitely up for it.

Makayla Marie
Plus food and all

Sigyn Wisch
Maybe I can talk Loki into doing that for a little while and then go travelling after six months or so?

Makayla Marie
That's more than good my buddy been there a year and gets insurance and 1200 a week

Sigyn Wisch
Really what I want is to make a bit of money and help support Loki's goals.
What I was saying about programs and not letting him come and go as he pleases, that's more like, he doesn't want to live in an environment that reminds him of Job Corps

Makayla Marie
If you stick to it about a year then save up you can have money put back

Sigyn Wisch
or an environment that wouldn't treat him like a grown-ass adult

Makayla Marie
When your with Cody your an adult you can leave when you want but your so far he only drives you out one time a week.

Sigyn Wisch
Shelter environments don't treat people like grown-ass adults, they treat people like children that can't manage their own time, you know what I'm saying? As a ranch hand, he would be expected to do work, but then he'd be treated like a man and not a chld
Makayla Marie
Yes exactly I went when i was 15 and i was treated like the 30 somethings

Sigyn Wisch
wait wa-wait, if you went when you were 15 how the hell did you end up going to slob snore?

Makayla Marie
I thought I knew it all and failed that was my option I still go to Cody when i need side cash he still helps

Sigyn Wisch
Ah, well, that makes sense.

Makayla Marie
Hes awesome
Do you have kik?

Sigyn Wisch

Makayla Marie
I can give you his info to talk to him

Sigyn Wisch
When Loki gets here

Makayla Marie
Download it.

Sigyn Wisch
He's being a buttbutt at the moment and I want him to actually see everything right here.
both of you need to understand
that nothing can be decided yet
and I cannot take in any more information yet.

Makayla Marie
I do know that but if you explain your situation he will give you Grace if you take the job

Sigyn Wisch
We'll figure it out when Loki gets here
I can't take in any more information

Makayla Marie
Ok well when's he coming back?

Sigyn Wisch
I need to take a break, okay? just

Makayla Marie
I only ask cause Cody is gonna be gone tomorrow that's all

Sigyn Wisch
Loki's just on the bus back to my dad's, which is where I am right now. He'll be here today. I don't know what he's going to say or if he's gonna want to talk to anyone else. I want him to, but that isn't a guarantee. I just really need everyone to chill their shit and wait and not overload me with stuff

Sigyn Wisch
Question about Sunday. What does that look like for us? Loki's here now BTW hr wants to know

Makayla Marie
Sunday's you eat breakfast with everyone it's family day once you work there your family. Some guys leave and you can if you please but they like everyone to eat dinner together but you don't have to
I suggest download kik and talk to him I can give you his handle

Sigyn Wisch
Er... I can't download any programs right now
We want to know more about the rewards. So far Loki says it sounds good, BTW,and he can handle everything you've said so far

Makayla Marie
I am texting him right now and he said if y'all want it he has to "interview" you guys

Sigyn Wisch
Can he call us? It's 408-401-1808 and we can put him on speaker.

Makayla Marie
Hes on the ranch there's no service
It's straight up WiFi

I'll see if he will

Below is the transcript of Cody's and my conversation:

JULY 26, 2015
12.51 PM

Is this Sigyn and Loki? This is Cody, Kaylee gave me yalls number about the job.
~Navy Man~

Hi, this is Sigyn. Loki is in the shower atm. Kaylee gave us a brief overview including the house rules and we are very interested.

Awesome, well there’s a few things I need to see before I say yep or nope. First do you have any questions?

Yes. Kaylee mentioned rewards. We want to know how that system works.

CODY, 1.01 PM
It’s not “rewards” rewards are for kindergarten. I call it promoting what you do is earn points each payday (every Friday) we tally up what points y’all earned every 500 is a pay increase points are put in 3 sections, 1000 points is a day off, and so on its not hard to earn points. Would you like to know the scale of pay points goes? That’s everyone’s favorite part.

Agreed. I was using her phrasing. Thank you for the correction. Yes, I would like to know.

No worries, it takes on average 14 days to earn 500pts if you go on track in one month if you cash them in each check you go up 25 a check so an extra 50 a month, after 6 months it’s about every week, I have a guy who has earned +150 per check

Hmm. Alright.

I try and be fair to my workers. Any questions so far?

I think I understand. Loki should be out of the shower soon and he may have questions. Can I get back to you when he’s in the room?

Sure I think that will work

Oh, important food thing! Loki can only eat meat if it’s not got extra hormones or chemicals. Natural meat, like if he went hunting and shot something, he could eat it, but if someone prepared meat form the supermarket, he would get very sick. He’s been living as a vegetarian for a couple of years because of that. Would that be a problem at all?

We live on a cattle ranch meat is a every meal thing

As long as there’s no extra hormones or chemicals in them, we can eat them no problem.

We don’t give anything unnatural to our cattle

Okay. I’m sorry if that sounded weird. I have no idea how to word things. I’ve lived in the city all my life, so.

It’s fine, do y’all know anything about animals

To a small degree. Loki’s better with them than I am. We are very willing to learn.

Have y’all ever been around livestock

Loki has. He’s from NM. His buddy had horses and goats.

Ok that’s very useful. Any questions so far
Oh good

What type of work would we be doing in particular? Kaylee said for Loki he’d be a ranch hand and for me I’d be helping Sarah around the house.

Pretty much that’s spot on

Okay, can you go more into detail about our duties?

Loki would much stalls feed animals help with whatever needs fixing, bailing hay etc. you would cook clean and help with the kids and laundry

Yes that sounds excellent

Yeah but we are strict with some things

Okay. Like what? We’ve got strong work ethics and will be fine with the rules. We just need to know what they are so we don’t step on anyone’s toes.

Well respect is key I was in the military I refuse to be disrespected

I absolutely agree. One of my former lovers was a Marine and my father was in the Army.

2.00 PM | ME
I’m saying we understand, by the way, we will respect y’all

Good I do not tollarate it when we have problems we settle it like they do in the south

can we go into detail about that please?

If the hands get in fights about something I handled it if it persists we take it out around a bonfire and slug it an then it’s behind us. We usaly do r get that far tho we all get along well

Okay, sounds fair. Is it a problem if we’re mixed race? Like, husband’s a Viking by his dad, but also of Puerto Rican and Black descent from his mum. (Loki asked, sorry if it was offensive, he was brought up to be really, really cautious)

No not unless you make it an issue
We have believes tho

Okay. What kind of beliefs?

Guns god family that’s very strict here.

Ah, okay, no problems there, then.

We do request that y’all attend church once a week with us

Yes, absolutely

Good, I fly a confederate flag, don’t tread on me, American as well as a Marine flag and navy above my land and if any of that offends you than it won’t work I belive in my heritage

Nope, no problem. My ancestors founded Salem and my grandmother was huuuge on heritage. So, you said you had questions for us?

3.06 PM | CODY
Yes sorry I will be back in a few I’m feeding animals
(3.17 PM) Ok, I’m back sorry my pigs needed food.

Is okay

1) ages?
2) full names
3) level of schooling
4) past work experience
5) kids?
6) pets?
7) what’s are you not willing to do?
8) what’s are you non comfortable with in the house?
9) any allergies

1. 24 & 19
3. High school & Job Corps
4. Admin assistant internship, security guard
5-6. No
7. I can’t lift over 50 lbs, Loki’s up for anything
8. We don’t smoke, Loki doesn’t’ drink, we don’t have problems with people who do but smoke is hard on my lungs so I need to be a few feet away from secondhand smoke. There’s nothing lifestyle wise that we’re uncomfortable with in this scenario.
9. I’m allergic to chili peppers, Loki’s allergic to pollen but local honey helps him.

Well that’s good, we do have some smokers but we all dip tabacker and stay around long enough and you will pick it up. We drink on Friday night’s we have a little saying

Okay, well, we aren’t the type to give anyone a hard time about things, just as long as we aren’t pressured into anything that’s fine.

Alright, when you come here you learn we cus on Monday’s drink on Fridays pray on Sundays we have a few things we keep close to our ways we are southerners I’m from Tennessee my wife is from Georgia we hold out for our ways and accept nothing less


Now my wife has questions for you if that’s fine.

Okay, no problem.

Hi there Darlin I’m Sarah, every body calls me momma. I hear you might be joing our family here on the ranch

Hello ma’am, I’m Sigyn and my commonlaw husband is Loki, and we are certainly interested!

Amazin, now Loki would be Codys field. You would be under my wing, you would cook, clean, take care of the men. Now do you cook?

Yes, ma’am. I cook steak, fish, chicken pasta, I can make soup out of anything canned, I make eggs, spaghetti, still trying to figure out pie.

Oh, we go from scratch. Well let’s say that you need to make a breakfast before work what would you make.

Eggs, toast with jam, rice cereal if rice has been cooked, fruit, I can try bacon, I can put ham and chopped vegetables in the eggs and make an omelet. Oh and fried potato slices

That’s pretty good for beginners :) I like you
Would you like to know our normal breakfast

Well, I certainly hope to learn more. And yes, I would.

We do a Huge meal, Eggs, bacon, ham and sausage flap Jack’s, gravy, shingles, homeaid jam, fresh OJ milk. And grape/Apple juice, jmimyjames potatoes, and muffins
We do that every day and Sunday is a good breakfast

Oh, excellent! I look forward to learning how to make the unfamiliar ones!

We make fresh baked goods every day and deserts for everyone


Yes women get up at 3 AM every day

Sounds good. What time do we go to bed?

4.00 | SARAH
After baths I go to bed at 5 normally

Ah, okay.

Yeah the boys get up about 330/345 at work and ready by 5 boys are in bed about 5 too. Any questions about the house?

Are Loki and I sharing a room with anyone else, or will we be staying in one by ourselves?

Well y’all are married Right?

Well y’all are married Right?

Yes, it’s commonlaw so we don’t have paperwork, but we live as a married couple and everyone considers us so.

Well, I don’t believe in commonlaw. I will talk to my husband. Is there any more questions about your jobs or anything?

What’s the first day going to be like?

Wake up, learn the kitchen no cooking just watching see how we clean and maintain the property. Then I test you how good you cook and clean then day two you start


How did you hear about the job?

Makayla told me about it.

Oh Kaylee! I love that girl, anyone she recommends is AMAZING!!

Well, that’s good!!

She’s like our daughter

She’s a sweetie. We love her to bits. She can also vouch for Loki’s and my relationship and would help us get marriage papers if we absolutely need them.

She’s amazing, she’s going threw a horrible spot right now and I am trying to help
Well me and Cody will speak about iy

She’s so sweet for giving this recommendation even when she’s going through things of her own. She was the first person to step up and really offer help and we are very grateful for it.

She is pregnant we believe and she needs help herself. She has an amazing heart to help everyone.

She does. We hope everything works out for her.

Me too, she’s a great girl and she’s strong and smart. How do you feel about dogs?

We love dogs!

Good we have 9

Aww! So adorable! Big dogs are the best. Are they friendly?

Good we have 9

Wow, what breeds?

Yes we have 3 pits, 2 coon hounds 2 blue ticks 2 labs


And we’re getting 2 more labs


Outside we have we have 5 collies

Ooh! Yeah, we love animals

Good well I’m turning in we will talk more tomorrow have a good night darling

Goodnight ^-^

After that ended, I went to Makayla about the "commonlaw \/s. married" thing...

Sigyn Wisch
Makayla small thing

Makayla Marie
What's up?

Sigyn Wisch
So, we are married, but because it wasn't in society we don't have paperworm

Makayla Marie

Sigyn Wisch

Makayla Marie
Well I don't think it will matter if it does, I got your back i can make a fake certification you will be fine

Sigyn Wisch
Sarah asked us if we're married, and the answer is yes, but because there's no paperwork, it would be commonlaw
And she says she doesn't believe in commonlae

Makayla Marie
Don't worry I got your back

Sigyn Wisch
Okay. Pastor Dave flaked out on us on the actual wedding day so...yeah

Makayla Marie
I got you doll just remember I have you and i am gonna help

Sigyn Wisch
We figured it'd be fine if it was in international waters, you know, on a ship, but things got lost and we just basically said fuck it, we're married, whatever.

Makayla Marie
Don't worry! I'm perfectly happy to help i got you guys covered

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Obligatory Hello Post

Hi there, everyone! I hope you've been enjoying our random videos of silliness and sometimes drama. Anyway, we're hitting the road again soon, so this might become a traveling blog. Here's what's been going on:

Loki left for Slab City.

I joined Loki in Slab City. It was okay at first, but then the horse flies started pestering me, there was some drama with our neighbours, and we ended up having to leave with. like, 25% of the cargo we'd originally come with. I don't remember exactly when we left, but I do recall that spanging in El Centro and Brawley was pretty lucrative. Brawley's so cute, it's like, they take themselves so seriously as a city. Kind of like the Extreme So Cal version of Milpitas. We didn't get on too well with the storefront managers and cops there, though; the people are very generous, but the storefront managers are stuffy and the cops are overly-authoritative butts. We wound up banhammered from a particular area for a year and some heat came down on the rest of the Slabbers, even though a lot of the actual damage done is done by townies, not campers.

So after a while, we left the Slabs and came back up to San Jose. We set up camp by the Guadalupe River Park, which was nice for a while, but then there were some raids, and so we left to go to a camp by San Felipe... which also got raided. All the camps in San Jose are getting raided and police in San Francisco are cracking down on campers, too, so we're thinking of hitting the road and just leaving for a while until winter when things cool down.

We did get married in MARCH, as a pagan ritual. Commonlaw, because we don't like dealing with paperwork and bureaucratic BS. Loki applied to college in MAY, I think, but there's some BS going on with that as well. They misclassified him as a non-resident even though he's lived here for over a year. He had a birthday in JUNE, so he's now my adorable 19-year-old husband <3

This is when the raids started getting heavy and now there's no safe place that we can find for campers to go. Loki is going to San Francisco to deal with the ticket he got from their cops for camping, and in the meantime, I get to prepare my part of my father's apartment and make it look all nice before we pack up and leave for a few months.

To be entirely honest, there are some job leads that I have that I'll be flaking out on, but since I don't have an actual job yet and there don't seem to be any short-term gigs where we can just quickly raise money, I'm going with my husband. I really hate being separated from him for long periods of time, so I'm going with him, even if it makes me seem flaky and irresponsible.

The thing is, I only seem flaky and irresponsible by corpgov wage slave standards. By my standards, I'm being a good and devoted wife. Either way, I've got pretty extreme separation anxiety (probably a holdover from things with Frey), so there's no way I can focus on any kind of work while he's off travelling with a party.